Thermacell Won’t Light: What To Do Now? [Explained]

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Imagine you went out hunting at the night. But you can't focus because of the annoying biting insects. And you take out your thermacell to save you from this situation. But then you realize it won't light.

We know how frustrating that can be for you. And that's why we've brought the resolutions to you.

So, what to do if your thermacell won’t light?

Your thermacell may not light for three major reasons. First of all, there might be an issue with the power to turn on. Secondly, the power ring might not flash when you push the power button. Finally, there might be insufficient charging, thwarting the thermacell to light.

Well, you’ve come to the ideal place to find out the answer to your concern. But you’re just at the beginning. So, keep on reading to know more!

Sounds interesting? Let’s get started!

4 Reasons For Your Thermacell To Not Light With Solutions

Thermacell is just as essential as a gobble call for hunting. However, issues with the thermacell can really put down your hunting spree.

thermacell to light.

There might be numerous reasons for your thermacell not lighting. But we’ve covered up the reasons in 4 main reasons along with the solutions. Take a look at the reasons and solutions below-

Problem 1: The Power Does Not Turn On

It’s one of the common issues where the power doesn’t turn on. When you try to turn on the power, you might see the power ring flashing 3 times. However, the power would eventually fail to turn on. So, what is the deal with it, and how to resolve the issue?


Well, it’s quite simple to resolve the issue. To begin, inspect the contacts between the top and bottom. Make sure they're not clogged with debris. The top of the repeller should then be removed and replaced. So, wipe it down with a damp rag.

Check to see if it's correctly aligned and seated. The repeller may be in Locked mode if the power ring continues to flash without turning on. That means it can't be switched on as it's in lock mode. 

So, press and hold the power button for at least 5 seconds to exit locked mode. Keep on holding the power button down until the light flashes once more. Finally, you would be able to resolve the issue.

Problem 2: Power Ring Does Not Turn On

Did you just put on your muck or dryshod and are about to head out for a hunting spree? And you grab your thermacell and only then you realize the power ring isn’t turning on.

This is almost the same issue as the power not turning on. When you push the power button, the power ring is about to flash. But if you don’t see any flash, then there is an issue with the power ring. 


First of all, you would need to charge the repeller. It's possible that the battery was fully depleted. In that instance, the battery warning light may take up to 5 minutes to begin blinking. 

You might see that it still doesn't blink after 5 minutes. But don’t stress over it. Rather just double-check that the cable is fully put into the charging port. Because it's a regular blunder to not properly enter the cable into the port. 

Charge using a conventional power outlet if using a USB port on a computer. The device may take up to 5 minutes to show that it is charging. 

Once the battery has some power, the battery indicator should begin to blink. To be sure the cable or adapter isn't the problem, try using a different cable or adapter.

Problem 3: Incomplete Charge Of The Thermacell

It’s a common mistake of the users not to charge the device completely. People often rush to disconnect it from the charge to activate it. But it’s indeed one of the biggest mistakes that you can make. 

An incomplete charge to the device can gradually damage your battery. And eventually, the battery condition would deteriorate, damaging the entire device.


Before storing for an extended period of time, make sure the battery is fully charged. Before storing your Radius repeller for an extended period of time, be sure it is fully charged. 

Make sure you recharge every three months at the very least. This is essential for the thermacell if you want to keep your performance at its peak.

Now, you may still think about replacing the battery! But you might be confused to choose the best one. No worries, because we’ve got the ones in the recommendation table below that we prefer!

These are the batteries that are quite durable!

So, these are the problems and solutions for your thermacell not lighting. Now your thermacell should be working. So wear your quiver and get to hunting right away!


Question: How to understand if the thermacell is lit?

Answer: Check the indicator light to see if your ThermaCELL is working. This light is located on the top of the unit. When the unit is turned on, the light glows. When installing a new mat, pay attention to the bottom of the old one. This one was a dark brown color, almost as if it had been roasted.

Question: Does a thermacell need battery to operate?

Answer: Yes, a thermacell requires a battery to keep on running. An internal heating element is powered by a lithium-ion battery and softly warms and activates the repellant. The repellant disperses once activated, creating an unseen zone of protection. As a result, mosquitoes will not be able to enter your outside space.

Question: Is it okay if I use thermacell for the black flies?

Answer: Any biting insects like mosquitoes, and black flies can be successfully repelled by the thermacell mosquito repellent system. For bug-free comfort, this device provides a 15 by a 15-foot zone of protection. Insects are unable to enter the zone as a result. Without the inconvenience of scented lotions or sprays, Thermacell solutions provide almost odorless pest control on the road.

The Final Words

Now you know what to do if the thermacell won’t light! We hope you find out instructions helpful to resolve the issue.

Go through the instructions thoroughly!

Best wishes!

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