What Are The Ravin R15 Crossbow Problem? [Answered]

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The Ravin R15 model crossbow can be one of the fastest ones to consider among their line. However, there are quite a few problems people face with this bow. Hence we’ve decided to clear it out once and for all.

So what are the Ravin R15 Crossbow Problems?

Even though the Ravin R15 is quite expensive, it lacks performance. Speed and consistency can often face trade off. Having unique and Niche designs in the bows and arrows, this can affect the repairing process. It is hard to replace the crossbows as well. 

These can be some tropes of the crossbow that were addressed over time. But we have the details right in our article, so keep reading!

Problems of Ravin R15 Crossbow Problem

The problems that may arise due to having a fast crossbow may be many to avoid. Even if they can be avoided, they go under the radar of attention. Ravin crossbow problems have actually been an issue since the very beginning. 

Let’s see what we may face, while using it. 

The Location of the Dealer

The location of the dealer is a priority for the buyer. Wherever you are buying the crossbows, make sure you have a dealer near the area. 

Having a dealer near the area will help you buy and change the parts of different crossbows. But if any dealer is not near the location, you’ll face various problems. 

Ravin R15 Arrows

The Ravin R15 arrows are unique and designed in a standout structure itself. Such that it only fits the crossbows that are from Ravin. Hence R-15 can’t be arrows and can’t be used on any other arrows as well.

Ravin R15 Arrows

This is due to having a different set up for arrow rests in the bows. As a result, the arrows can’t be used in different bows, with similar armrests.  Now, sometimes, arrow rests can stay in quivers

Stability and Precision

Due to the Ravin R15 bows being fast paced, the stability of the performance in using bows and arrows are more. The speed of shooting arrows is 100 yards and velocity is 425 FPS. This can be a reason why the stability while using the bow, may hinder sometimes.

The rate of drawing arrows is 200 shots changing strings and cables. However, the crossbow is much harder to pull the strings and cords. It is also not easy to tune the cords and strings. 

The Design of the Crossbow

The design of the crossbows are unique and made only according to the fit of their products. So any body parts cannot be easily replaced, repaired and reused. These will not fit on any other designs of arrows and crossbows. 

High Price

There are a lot of arrows and bows that have almost similar performance. But they are lower in price range. Ravin Crossbows however can cost upto $200 almost. 

The product recommendation of crossbows in this price range is as follows.

Bow Press Limit

The drawforce of the arrow is 12lbs. The power stroke is also 13”. So we see that they have created a Niche here. We cannot use this Bow Press on any other arrows. As this differs a lot. 

If the bow is damaged any other crossbows can’t be used instead. So either you’ve to repair the broken bow, or replace it with a new one. Now, you should  know the accurate bow weight before buying a new one.

Speed and Performance

The speed and the performance level of the crossbows are pretty amazing. Considering the record, it can be considered as one of the fastest. 

However, the consistency in the performance may lag behind due to having such speed. The accuracy in every shot may not be even possible. That is why this also has to be checked. Despite having vibration control, speed may hinder the accuracy and the precision.

Solutions for Ravin R15 Crossbows

Now all of the problems mentioned above can’t be solved. So we have stated some of the fixes that are viable. 

We must be aware of the location of the dealer. If the dealer is near us, it would be beneficial for you while purchasing it. 

The press limit, stability and precision and the design of the crossbow is limited and also unique. So make sure that there is always a spare for repairing and reducing. Or even replacing the parts or exchanging it with another Ravin one.

The design of the arrows and the design for the arrow rests are also different. So we should be aware of having an extra batch of arrows or maybe have a dealer selling these nearby. 

If you don’t like a fast arrow, you shouldn’t consider buying this model. Consider buying another model instead with a much lower pace. However, you may also look out for Ravin r10 crossbow problems, before buying that model.

So these were the problems and solutions of Ravin R15 crossbows. This should help you solve your issue or troubleshoot your bows.


Question: Which is the fastest performing crossbows among the Ravin series?

Answer: With the 400 grain technology, R500 Ravin Crossbows are the fastest performing crossbows. This is also one of the most powerful crossbows ever used. It is fairly new in the market and has been used as an innovative idea.

Question: How long can a Ravin Crossbow last?

Answer: A Ravin Crossbow can last up to over 500 shots. The crossbow can extend and draw 400 shots but after 200 shots the string can be replaceable. So it actually lasts longer than the usual crossbows in the initial stage.

Question: What is considered to be a fast crossbow?

Answer: Crossbows that have a speed over 350 FPS are called a fast crossbow. This is according to the numerical value of the speed of the crossbow. The crossbows that shoot arrows faster and the arrows travelling fast are basically fast crossbows and arrows.


Now, you know the Ravin R15 Crossbow Problems. We hope that you consider these factors while buying the crossbow.

These may affect long term. So it is better to consider the conditions stated otherwise, you may face problems. 

Let’s hope to see you again next time. Good luck!

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